Tuesday, July 3, 2012

DIY Refashion

Hey there so we are having fun not having a lot to do over here. Kade has been riding his motorcycle/dirt bike (still not sure what to call it) basically chance he can. I have been following a bunch of different blogs and pins about refashions( taking old clothing and making a few changes to update it) so here is my first attempt. I saw this idea, and remembered this dress I had that shrunk in the wash (major bummer) so I decided it would be my first try. So the first view: 
Please excuse photo quality!

as you can see the length is awkward. 

its also sleeveless which is hard in the summer when it gets so hot. 

So, with the scissors, I left three inches on the bottom ruffle, and took the remaining fabric to make sleeves. It took me a little while to figure out the sleeves ( I watched a tutorial earlier in the day) and just made it up as I went, so the seem lines aren't the best and it was my first time ever. I would say to watch any tutorial on you tube there are some really good ones. I also used the pre existing seem from the bottom of the dress, to avoid having to sewing more than necessary. Here is the final product:

  thats it for now tell me what you think!
dresses first appearance, worn with jean vest, Grecian sandals.