Wednesday, September 12, 2012

finding wisdom in all things

 I have been feeling oddly overwhelmed lately. Unpleased with whats going on in my small world lately. Don't Judge me, you have been there too. Its like something is constantly missing and I keep trying to fill the odd little voids every now and then.

Which is why there are the 'put you in your place' moments that put life into to perspective that help us to understand better what we have and that we are 'okay.' 

9/11 did that for a lot us. It helped us to remember how lucky we are to have our safety, family and friends who are dear to us and a country that allows us our many freedoms to do as please during our life times.

I think our personal faith in what we chose to believe can also allow for these moments to pop up. Everyone has stronger moments and weaker moments, thank goodness they are aren't all at the same time! and I thank God for those that are strong when I am weak. Like my husband and his rock solid-ness. Its a source of fantastic strength for me. They(strong ones) all remind of the simple principles that make faith building possible.

Music is such a great strength for me, I am surrounded by it all day. It is played in the office and when you go into any store its most likely blaring. I never really noticed what sorts of music I listen to until I started working and the music that seems to be on repeat. I also realized how much CMT videos I watched I used to watch with my dad on Sunday morning before church.( my goodness do I miss this)  I think it is a powerful thing to put actions to words.

 For example here is one that made me basically sob tonight. (haha big baby I know) The thought of the kid going to school being nervous and scared made me want to fix it first then realized I am comfortable loved and taken of by those around me. I need to be a thousand times better to those around me. Wisdom in small places.

So I am sure you get the drift.. I got a good old fashion smack in the face, and I ended my sad pity party. 

I grateful it came tonight when I can really try harder to just be over all better, push myself harder to be who I can be. 
Hope my wake up wisdom in all things moments can help you all out:) Because lets be honest we all need to be reminded over and over again how we lucky to live where we do, know who we and be loved by those who love us most. 

love you all

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