Wednesday, January 8, 2014

what's new?!

What's new around here!?

Our address.... We live in Idaho.

 I mean, "I am so excited to be here!"

Our schedule.... I work full time and Kade's in School full time

Our weather... Freezing... literally all the time... so bad they truck snow out of parking lots because it never melts and it takes up parking spots. Believe you me, those spots are like gold around here.. so truck out the snow by all means.

Our clothing... jackets, jackets, add some long sleeves and socks, then one more warm layer..... basically we look like snow people, half frozen and miserable. ( never been more grateful for my automatic start and seat heaters)

The new year.. craziness.... I am still trying to figure out what happen to 2013? Seriously... did I mentally check out? It went by like a wave on the sand... my guess is it was because I did the same thing everyday basically and it all melted into one? Who knows... welcome 2014 let's see what joy you have in store for us.

Our license plates.... little did I know the only thing more humiliating to my CA soul then a UT license plate is my soon to be ID plates... boy those things are ugly! really though,  they always look dirty! Here hoping there is some special edition this year that doesn't have a fish on it or the weird ombre sunset looking thing. ( yes, because this really matters!)

The milage and hours spent in a car in the last two and a half months... I googled mapped it for you your pleasure....

In case your math skills are a bit rusty that would 56 hours and 16 minutes. There are 168 hours a week and we spent a full 2.3 days in a car nonstop, just to get where we needed to. This is not including the 6 hours to burley and back for a funeral... I had to have 2 pictures because google wouldn't let me add any more stops after 12.... 

Our apartment.. its finally looking like people live here! Still trying to remember where we put everything. It's like an unintentional game of hide and seek with all your personal items.... i.e.
 "hayley, where did you put my backpack?"
"uh... not sure.... you could try the second bedroom closet or the box in garage or maybe there is some unpacked black garbage bag somewhere? Good luck!"

In other words, just trying to catch up with life. The holidays were fun and busy. We love our families and spend days in the car to see them whenever we can. We are sad it can't be more often but hey thats life and you just keeping going.

So what's new with you?

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