Friday, February 21, 2014

Good Eating and a little Comfort talks

So as I mentioned before... I am trying to be/eat healthier.  As for my goal... I failed. I ate what I wanted on date nights, then went out of town and could only eat out. So I am going to try again.

With that said, it's pretty expensive to make everything at home, to me that is the hardest part. There are something's you just can't make with out the right equipment ( soda, ice cream, ice( didn't have an ice tray) etc...) So you have to give in on those store bought items. Other things take so much time, you buy the ingredients and then they go to waste because you can never make the time... this project takes a lot of planning out and recipes that use the a lot of the same ingredients. I really like the "freezer meals," but have a hard time eating so much of the same leftovers.

As far as the comfort talks go, there is something to be said about dinner time. I LOVE sitting down eating and talking to people. It's three of my favorite things in one shot! Haha, anyways, I have had some great conversations at the dinner table these last few weeks and I am grateful for them. The idea of having a conversation with people sitting down at a table, is seeming to me to becoming a lost art. I really wish people would go back to some of the basics. But hey, maybe I am just old fashioned.

Here are a few tried and loved recipes from this last round. Until next time:)

Chicken Enchilada Soup

Coke-a-cola Cake ( this is SO addicting)

White Chicken Enchiladas

Bean and Bacon Soup


  1. HAYLEY I always intend to leave comments on your blog posts [because I do read them!] but I usually get sidetracked or forget! AHH! So basically I am really excited to finally be leaving a comment for you, haha :)

    Eating healthier/making food at home is SO. HARD. Yes, you save tons of money, but it takes so much planning! And I am not that organized! I feel like I took home-cooked meals and my Mom for granted now. And I am 100% with you on the art of conversing around the table. I love it and hope it doesn't disappear!!!
    As far as recipes/home cooking go....I'm slowly getting better at it! I have a couple "go to" recipes that I rotate through a lot, but we love them so it's not a bad thing. They're just easy and require zero thinking on my part. We should totally share recipes! I know you'll get better at it as you go. You are an awesome cook :)

  2. Keep it up lady!! :)
    The longer I'm married...(we're hitting 12 years in the fall, crazy!) the more and more I love to cook. It fills my soul with happiness to eat yummy things. There is nothing better than having your husband/kids enjoy the food you've made and know it's what they prefer. Keep a well stocked pantry and tons of produce and you'll always be good to go. Don't let Kade out of helping either. (wink wink) Enjoy those family dinners and keep up the good work!

    We love you guys and hope you aren't freezing, Spring is on its way!
