Monday, February 10, 2014

Poor Kitty

So Audrey was fixed and declawed( front only)

It's been a horrible expirence.
We will see when we can finally take her cone off if this was worth it....

They kept her overnight and she chewed out all her stiches but one.. So they put her under again and re-did all of them the very next day. Then taped up her little paws... This is the first night we brought her home... it was a LONG night.

She was so sick and tired all she wanted was to lay on us and sleep.   Since then, she managed to get the cone off once, chew out a stitch, bleed all over the carpet, and go back to the vet and have it super glued.

So some of the funny parts about this expirence:
  • She HATES the vet... like they had to trick her out of her kennel by leaving the door open for her to escape, dumped her in a plastic bag, and put her out in the bag because she had bit them, scratched them, hissed at them and tried to attack them.  When she see the vet she instantly bares her teeth and hisses at him. It so funny because she has never done this to anyone else. It is like she is possed.
  • She looks like dracula in her cone staring at you...
  • She drags her cone agaisnt the door to get your attention
  • She has to back up like a car to get around corners
Her paw after she chewed out the stitch.... massive!
Anyways, she gets treated like a kid around here, because I can and I want to. She is named after a TV show character and movie star. Anyone who thinks we gave her a normal name for any other reason, obviously doesn't know us that well.  
She is slowly returning to her normal self and jumping into things she shouldn't. Which makes me a happy camper.
So glad this little adventure is almost over!

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