Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brady's wedding!

Brady and Karli got married this last weekend! Thank you to the Duffin's who let us stay the night!

 I totally get the whole " grass is greener" syndrome when I am around all these fun people! It gets so difficult to go back to Idaho in general. We love them all so much! Above is my mom, and Lisa. I love these two so much!
Here is Walker and I waiting for them to come out to see everyone! This kid.... I wish I lived four miles away from him, so I could go surfing with him, watch his rugby games, and hang out with him! But seriously,  I miss him ALL THE TIME.

Another part of the whole the grass is greener thing, is being able to see people who I love completely. People who without, my life wouldn't be as cool as it is.  Life is too short to not appreciate the relationships we have with those closest to us! 

Kade and I! Wahoo for being inside another temple together!

When they did come out it was well worth the wait! So happy for them! 

I offered to do the flowers awhile back, and they turned out great! Lovely bride! 

cake flowers... So exciting, I know, you can hardly handle it over there. Haha. 

 With Laina and Tim in CA( I might add, living out one dream I have had since childhood, living in the bay area)  it was great to spend a little time with her!  Here we are again.. during the pictures! Do not believe the sky... it was NOT warm at all. In fact it was super cold! Everyone was swapping for jackets as soon as pictures were over!

The rest of the weekend was well spent enjoying Father's day and family time! My mom brought up a ton of art work from home; we shopped and hung a few items, its starting to look more like a home up there! 

Meet Nora! My youngest cousin, the age difference between us is 23 years and a month! It was so fun to see her and her sister Mary! So cute! 

We went for a little walk on Sunday and well I seriously could have cried. I miss these guys so much. They are turning into little men, it is flying by, and I missing all of it. I know, sentimental older sister nonsense, spilling out over here, but its the truth. I feel like I missed a lot! Just hope they know I love them!

So now you know, why Rexburg just doesn't even compare! and I think the grass is greener everywhere else ( let's be honest because it is legitimately greener everywhere else) ~ Until next time! 

1 comment:

  1. I always forget to comment, but I love reading your posts!! Family time is the BEST - so glad you got to see everyone :) and I love those flowers!!!

    Also, the grass is getting pretty brown in the East Bay, so maybe it's not greener over there! Hahaha, I kid. I wish you lived here too!
