You are the size of a jelly bean. You are all mine and daddy's.
There are so many things I want to tell you express to you that I am not even sure there are enough words for them all.
First of all, I had always hoped this day would come! This silly little line on this test is telling me you are coming and I am sitting down crying with gratitude and happiness.
I can't wait to tell your daddy! There is no one in this world who I would even dream. Of being your daddy.
He will love you so fiercely.
Daddy and I weren't sure when you would come or how long it would take! So we are thrilled and humbled that Heavenly Father is letting you come so quickly to us. We know that this is his timing and we will need to have faith in his timing.
Your daddy is in school. He is studying accounting and is set to graduate in December of this upcoming year.
He loves anything with a motor. He watches videos on rebuilding motors for fun. He reads magazines about the latest and greatest in technology( sometimes I think he is crazy obsessed!)
I graduated from college over 2yrs ago and have been working in property management ever since. It's not my calling in life but I am good at it.
I love anything flower related weddings, dinner parties, big events, etc. I miss being involved with flowers but can't see putting the effort into it all here where our life is so temporary.
You will have pet cat, named Audrey who is probably not going to like you right away. She has been our little fur baby for two years. So forgive her. She'll get used to sharing.
There are going to be so many people who love you and want the best for you. You have four uncles who are going to be amazing examples and spoil you rotten. You have two first time grandparents who are so nervous for you to come because they then will have to be "old" but they can't wait for you to get here!
On daddy's side you have 16 cousins and five aunts and uncles. They will all love you in their own way! You will have lots of friends to play with.
I hope someday you will understand how excited I am to be your mommy! There is nothing I have wanted more in life. I promise to do the best I can, and love you the best I can. We are going to have so much fun together!
I love you little one. More then you'll ever know!
I love this!! I wrote Cora a letter on her due date when she was 12 days old, we have it tucked away for her to read when she is older. It's such a good idea for them to read later!