Saturday, January 31, 2015

Baby Bailey!

oh my goodness, this all still feels so surreal!

So the story. ( if this is over-sharing to anyone, I completely understand)  In the beginning, November, I swore up and down I was pregnant. I just knew it. So when I tested and it came back negative, I had a complete meltdown. As in I did not leave the house let alone our bedroom ( it was a Sunday). We had been doing a few rounds of fertility drugs( femara) and this was the first cycle I got excited about.  Its been a large blessing to us to be able to see the effects of the drugs working on my body. We have tried to be level headed about the whole thing and not get overly excited, with my health we had no clue what to expect. So I had a doctor's appointment set up for the 17th. So I went in and had an ultrasound. There was an egg in my right ovary and something in my left they weren't sure about. So I rescheduled to come back in January to get everything checked out again. My doctor pulled me off the fertility drugs and my thyroid medication until I had my thyroid ultrasound in a couple of weeks. I have a nodule on my thyroid, {have a had a biopsy on it since more about that later.}.

So we went to Thanksgiving and I felt the infamous nausea for the first time and blamed it on eating too much. I told my parents about the thyroid issues and life went on. We came back and that Monday morning, I woke up drove Kade to class and on the way home I thought about my doctors appointment and thought to myself ," hmm I should take a pregnancy test. "( the spirit totally prompted me!) So I took the test. I set it down on the counter and turned on the shower, laid out my clothes, and came back in. When I saw it was positive, I froze completely! Then I sat down and cried. Once my brain kicked back into gear, I ran out and bought a bunch of little items to tell kade about when I brought him home from class.

Since it was Dec. 1st I gave Kade an earlyChristmas gift. One thing Kade always teases me about is the baby whether boy or girl would love cars and motorcycles as much as he does... hence the hot wheels.

we shared a really sweet moment before he went to work. 

Anyways we saw baby bailey for the first time on Wednesday Dec 17th. It was an incredible experience to see Kade see the baby and to see its little heartbeat. What a miracle Heavenly father has blessed us with. A true miracle and we have thanked him everyday since.

baby is due july 18th 2015.


  1. We are so excited for you and for us. We are looking forward to some more wonderful grandchildren to love.
    We love you guys,

  2. Hey July 18th is my birthday!!! Great day to be born ;) I am so so excited for you and it is so cool to hear your whole story! Hooray!!!!

  3. what special memories you have of such a wonderful blessing! congrats to you guys! SOOO happy and can't wait to meet the baby :)
