Saturday, February 28, 2015

Baby updates

So this post is more for the actual reason of this blog... record keeping. So I am sorry if you are totally bored with it! 

According to my baby "apps" I was supposed to take a picture every week, but I looked like week 4 until literally week 15 because I lost some weight. Hence the skip in weeks. 

week 14 below with Connor. 

and sorry about the bathroom pictures its the only almost full length mirror we have. Oh and i also chopped my hair off:)

TA DA! 20 weeks half way there!

A few things about baby boy, 
At this Halfway mark: he can hear, his five senses, except for actually opening his eyes, are almost fully developed, his bones are growing strong, he can make a few facial expressions, his hands are fully developed, learning to swallow, is as long as a banana, and weights about a half a pound. 

as few things about the pregnancy,
I was pretty sick there for a while, like throwing up around 15-25 times a day.  I took half a pill of unisom and my prenatal at night . Really, the only thing that worked was eating small things like pretzels all day long.I still throw up about 3 days a week. 

I had a biopsy done on my Thyroid and will have to have a second by the time baby is here. 

I have craved fried foods and salt. But not to the point I am "hangry" and make Kade leave at absurd hours of the day. 

Kade first noticed the change in my body when I left to see Connor and came home. He yelled," You look pregnant! We are having a baby!" I guess throwing up ALL the time was not enough of an indicator? Haha to his defense I was always bent over?

I sleep with a body pillow, which Kade has named the third anorexic person in our bed. 

I get up 3 times a night, two to drink about a 20 ounces of water and the last to use the restroom.

I don't fit into any of my pants anymore. I wear skirts, dresses, and the two pairs of maternity pants I own. 

Lastly, I have felt baby "move" but I am waiting until our ultrasound on Monday to make sure that is what I am feeling. 

Will post pictures of baby soon, because lets be honest, that's all we want to see anyways. 


  1. Haha Brandon was the same way, I wasn't showing until 21-22 weeks and one day he was like "Hey, there's a baby!" Now I'm almost 32 and nobody can mistake my belly hahaha. Hopefully you can stop throwing up soon! That is the WORST!

  2. HOORAY halfway!!!! You look so cute!!!! And sorry about the puking, it is the worst. It's worth it, but oh man it SUCKS. Did you ever try Zofran (ondansetron)? It was a lifesaver for me. It's a drug that blocks serotonin receptors in your brain which eliminates the sensation of nausea.
    Anyway I can't wait to see your ultrasound pics :) so, so happy and excited for you!!

    1. At least I'm pretty sure those are all the right words for how Zofran works.....I'm a little sleep deprived and may have gotten it wrong ;P I know that's the general idea at least. But it doesn't work for everybody either :/
