Friday, July 31, 2015

Photo Dump from the first month of Carson's life

I know your thinking... holy pictures! But there wasn't a day someone didn't want a picture or to facetime our sweet sweet boy. Plus, who could not resist all the cuteness of this little guy!

Sleeping in his favorite place...

Facetiming Uncle Bennett

Facetiming Aunt MJ

how he looked our entire first walk... not to thrilled. 

Face timing Grandpa

How we survive all gassy moments..

again in his favorite spot. 

He has to hold his plug, and this is his favorite one. He talks to it. 

How was survive after getting out of the bath. 

He wont let go of the plug even while having a bottle. 

He WONT sleep unless the blanket is on his face. He has done this since we brought him home, he will roll and grunt and move his arms until his hands are free and the blanket is on his face. We change the diaper with it there. Kinda of weird but it works!

Here he is sneaking his hand under the second blanket. 

and a few videos...


  1. Love this! Oh how I wish I'd had this access to technology and social media when my babies were this age. I love and admire how well you are documenting this. Also, so happy to watch you be a Mommy. You're awesome.

  2. Love this! Oh how I wish I'd had this access to technology and social media when my babies were this age. I love and admire how well you are documenting this. Also, so happy to watch you be a Mommy. You're awesome.
