Sunday, May 13, 2012

my mom

So I know everyone thinks their Mother's are the best and I am sure that is true as well, because each of us do not the tender moments between you and your own mother nor do we know the laughter and giggles and the amount of fun we have had. So I can honestly say I have the Best mother because she raised me and we together are a great team.

Seriously though, not many mom's take a hip hop class, take you to museums, on cool trips, send you to summer camps in lake tahoe as a kid, walk to the library, get you something she knows you will love every time she goes on a big trip, goes to midnight movies, reads the latest books often and most likely before you and she takes you places where you can learn and have fun and calls it a vacation:)

she's my mom and  I love her.

I don't many other people with a heart as bigs as hers:)


  1. I think your mom is pretty neat too :)

  2. She is great! We are big fans of all you Sheppard people! So fun to check out your blog and see what you guys are up to!
