Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What would I do?

With out this guy?
Seriously though, these last few weeks have been rough, and he has probably learned more about me than he probably ever thought he would in the first month of marriage! Seriously though, the completely uncontrolled and unfortunate mood swings (due to switches in new medications) TMI? oh well... yikes, I would be scared of myself! I am super grateful for all the things he does for me, work until super late, make sure I am feeling well, takes time to go to my doctors with me ( which can be painfully long),  even stops to ask me about class, as if we dont have enough going on. Its been so beyond wonderful being married. I am loving every minute. Kade is in class everyday in the morning and even though he complains about the homework, he secretly loves being in his automotive classes. I love watching him be excited about his classes, its a feeling I know well and it's a gratifying feeling to know you are doing something you love, so I am super excited for him. welp, I won't toot his horn any longer. But he is awesome and I sure love him.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I just saw this post... ummm don't even worry Brandon and Kade should form a support group! I'm just glad I'm married to a boy and he has to deal with being married to a girl with all their emotional issues haha. So we're in the same boat!
