Monday, July 9, 2012

Moving and Organizing.

So I have been preparing to move and if anyone out there is doing the same here are some things I have done hope they help!


First thing:

Plan out your moving day:

know what is being loaded first, know the method you are using (ie budget truck, u hall, professional help or the back of your car) know the deals on the methods, the price and plan ahead for it all to work out.

We are using budget trucks, because that for us is much cheaper then uhall, and we don't have to over work our car to get our stuff to our new home. I typed in budget truck coupons to google and came out on top with a 25% of coupon to use when checking out. Be resourceful its helpful!

Second thing:

Make a binder, buy a divided portfolio, use a folder, what ever you choose place the following items in, and place a copy or scan in a second binder etc.

Birth Certificates
Social Security Cards
Car titles
Marriage License
Insurance contracts
Housing contracts
Job contracts
Recent pictures of your family

Yes, I know what you are thinking, that is dangerous to have all that information in one place. But here is my opinion. I used a binder and have scanned copies on my computer, "just in case," but f worse comes to worse your house burns down, a family member goes missing, your moving truck gets stolen, the papers that prove you are you are on hand and can be used. I have mine tucked away in a special place where I know someone would think it would be the last place to look. Overall I am comforted knowing I know exactly where everything is.

Third thing:

 you cannot pack in an organized manner if your house is a mess. PURGE!

Determining what goes and what stays: Since I hate throwing things away because of these 3 words "just in case" I made some basic rules to stick to.

if I haven't touched it in a year, it has to go.
if it doesn't serve a meaningful purpose (ie: a used old piece of paper) Throw it out
if I want to keep it, it has to fit, if not it goes

Fourth thing:

make an inventory list
doing this insures:

a. that you know what it is you own
b. that you know what you have duplicates of and can get rid of ( ie yard sale, Donate, garage, returns)

This gives you the opportunity to make a list of what is in each box and have a master packing list, with the amount of boxes, where they go and what was in them. It comes in handy if you move a lot you know what fits in each box and what to pack in them, it helps to find things when you are moving in, it is also helpful to locate a lost box, or actually know that a box is in fact missing. 

My packing list is labeled and my boxes are numbered. I have seen it many ways, rooms are color coded ( blue bedroom,  red kitchen) whatever you choose just make it work best for you. 

Fifth Thing:

Pack room by room

this helps the inventory list, keeping it organized but most important helps the cleaning process! 
once the room is packed, clean it shut the door and move to the next room. it will help the process move slowly to one room/ area and can be easier to load from there.

Sixth thing:

As you are packing leave out the following items to go in their own box:

Toilet paper
Bathroom cleaning supplies
A shower curtain
quick snacks and water
a flashlight
air mattress
blankets or sleeping bags

This list ensure that you have the very minimal things it takes to stay over night in your new place the first night. It is beneficial to have them set aside so you know it has been taken care of, and puts your mind to rest knowing you can at least sleep and shower.

Additionally this whole process helps you become more organized with what's in your homes, what needed a better form or organization for your new place, and helps you get rid of the clutter. It feels like a material detox, and if you are like me and love organization, its heavenly. I hope this helps anyone out there moving:)

catch you later


  1. You have been busy! Some great ideas.... Love ya-

    1. it true! haven't seen you in awhile! need to get together before we leave!

  2. The best advice here is purge! We have moved so much (so much!), and the best thing is purging. It's amazing all the stuff we have that we don't need, and how great it feels to unload. I love purging! Happy moving!
