Monday, July 16, 2012

my last adventures as a college student

Now, I know this blog is the Bailey family, But since I no longer use my personal blog( my thought output) . You all get read my emotional jabber about how I am feeling lately.

I started this little series on my personal blog ( about my adventures as a college student( in labels under ACS) and well this as of this Friday its all ends.

I would be lying to you if I didn't say that I am more than elated to no longer be in school or Rexburg. I would also be lying if I didn't say there are a lot of mixed emotions and lesson learned tied to this place. 

Kade and I went to Utah this last weekend, and as we drove into Rexburg, pretty much for the last time I felt really overwhelmed. I was hit with a ton of emotions, thoughts and I am not so sure how to feel about it all. Rexburg has been a place of great amounts of learning for me. It has a been a gateway to the future and holds the key to a part of my past.

I know that every college student is supposed to say "I learned so much, met great people, and got my degree" and I did. But I feel like there was so much more to these last fours years than that statement covers.

so with out further ado, here are some memories that mean a lot to me, and you'll have to forgive me for not explaining them all (Get ready there are a ton of pictures)

First week of college
first time seeing my brothers since leaving 2008
winter apartment 2009 ( never brought my keys anywhere)
competitive basketball 2009
playing in the snow( first winter 2009)

general conference sleep over 2009( dani, kristi, brittany and myself)
summer 2009 
Lauren's High school graduation 2009 ( Me, Lauren, Paige, Alex)
summer 2009 Santa Rosa 4th of July (me, Jackson)
Institute summer 2009 (lexi, and I)

Boating summer 2009( walker and me)

Grandparents week summer 2009 ( Judy) 
General Conference 2009( emily, alex, me, kristin, raquel)
London Christmas 2009
Dork Date 2010
helicopter ride, August 2010

Mom and I on the way to the beach 2010 Kauai

edge of Na Pali coast ( Rachael, me, Raimey) 2010
Glass Beach Kauai 2010
Favorite Beach Sheraton Kauai 2010
First Day off of work, Hanalei May 2010
Whose wedding is it anyways on Bravo TV 2010 ( dode in the background)
My Bathroom Nemesis.... 2010 
One truck out of three for one wedding 2010
FHE on the pier in Hanapepe ( brandon and cory) 2010

view from work St. Regis 2010
Roma Italia September 2010 ( first real gelato since 2003) 

Firenze(florence) Italia 2010 Top of Dome( chris, me,brian, jessica)
Venice, Italia. 2010
Germany, ( one of my favorite moments of peace) 2010

Salzburg, Austria 2010 ( best moments are unplanned and best friendships are formed by simple bonds)
Wittenburg Germany 2010( where lifelong friends were made) (tayva, me, tara)
Wittenburg 2010, Dinner
Paris, 2010
Versailles 2010
Preston Temple 2010
London, enjoy the faces 2010


its in the past :) 2010 London Airport  
winter 2011 I met kade
We started dating 2011
I went on a week long field trip to Ca 2011
4th of July, Middleton Idaho 2011 
Driggs, Idaho, on our way to Jackson WY 2011

Fun times with roommates summer 2011

Horseback riding class, "Indian Jo" 2011

Add caption

Idaho Falls Fall semester 2011
Jason Aldean Concert for Kades birthday 2011
Engaged! 2011
Engaged again :)

Laurens Wedding January 2012
Alex's wedding March 2012
Final Dress fitting March 2012
Married April 14, 2012

Connors Graduation June 2012
4th of July 2012
 College was great and however overwhelming the future seems to be and scary it is to leave somewhere familiar; I am glad I met the people I did, learned the lessons I learned, and became the person I am. Without this last few years I wouldn't want to know where I would be and the best part, I am leaving with my best friend who will be there for me no matter how hard it gets in the "real world." 

So here's to the start of a new adventure...


  1. Congratulations Graduation woman! I know you have worked hard for this and you deserve to be very happy! Love ya! Kara, Colby, & Kids

  2. I saw that your Europe pics were dated 2010 and I was shocked! At first I thought that maybe you had gone to Europe a few years before we went with BYUI, then I realized that your pictures WERE from that trip and it's been two years! What in the world?! Time flies.

  3. Oh my goodness so I was just catching up on your blog (I'm way behind, I know!) and....holy cow I never realized you would know Brandon and Cory because you lived on Kauai!!! I love those guys! They lived in the dorm I RA'd for at BYUH. Small world!

    Also, CONGRATULATIONS on graduating! And moving! And everything!!! :) I'm glad things are going so well for you guys!
