Monday, April 27, 2015

Homecoming Talk and 2 mission Calls

We flew in Saturday Night, Mary Jane Picked us up from the airport and we drove straight home to see these two Handsome dudes open up their mission calls. 

I love this picture. If only you knew how much. Bennett was called to the Iquitos Peru mission and reports to the Peru MTC on August 12th. Jackson was called to the Osorno Chile MIssion and reports to the Mexico City MTC August 12th.

It's going to be quite the adjustment year for my sweet family! My dad retired. Connor comes home from a mission; jumps back into life and college. I am having a BABY. My sweet brothers leave to serve the lord and Walker will be a lone survivor at home. So this summer my parents have all four boys at home, a grand baby coming and then everyone readjusts to our own courses of life in  August and they only have one kid at home.

Here we all are on the day Connor spoke. He gave a wonderful talk. The spirit was very strong.  

We all wore the traditional tongan clothing to church ( except Kade, who couldn't muster wearing a skirt. lame) I had to take mine off during sacrament because of my tummy it would stick straight out like a weapon. We all had a good laugh at my expense! 

This is the first picture I have of Kade and I while pregnant. Only took six months! 

All day Sunday I sat out in the backyard and chatted with family and soaked up as much sunshine as possible. Got this goofy video while laying out there. 

I love this shot. It's how I remember this house, always full with people I love. 

Walker and I dog bombed in this photo. Poor puppy kept sniffy my tummy. He KNOWS, 

Mary Jane's kiddos stuck by me pretty much the whole day. It was sun fun to see them and chat with them.

Walker and I eating rootbeer floats by the fireplace ( because in normal places it is warm during the day and cools off at night!.. darn idaho never gets warm and is always cold) 

Monday; We went to see the cute beach house my parents bought and then went to the beach. 

I have never seen sooo much wildlife at home! We saw a seal, dolphins, and a WHALE! I have never seen one at home. 

Oh how lovely is this shoreline? I miss it all the time, and the smell of the salty water. 

Here is Jackson goofing off riding a wave in. 

We didn't have enough time to run home after the beach so we didn't get in. But Kade enjoyed a good nap!

We haven't gotten a picture of all of us since my wedding. So good to be back together! 

We grabbed lunch at this Mexican restaurant called South of Nick's and it was amazing! 

After we drove straight to the Airport. I may have cried a bit. Sometimes leaving is easy, but this time knowing how short time is with the twins, it was really hard. I think the older I get... the harder it is to leave, I miss them all so much and we only get more and more spread out as the years pass. Soon enough we will be out of Rexburg and be less isolated( and cold)! 


  1. Hooray for your brothers!!! That is so exciting! Chris served in Chile and LOVED it (he was in the Valparaíso mission though....might be totally different since the country is so long! It has all kinds of weather! Haha) Your family is so great. It's crazy how things change as your baby siblings grow up, isn't it?!

    1. we couldn't be more excited for them... now if only a mission meant we could still chat everyday! I never thought being the oldest i would be so darn sentimental! haha oh well!
