Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pregnancy update

Baby updates; 

Baby boy is growing strong! 
He is very active! Loves to kick and hit at the same time. 
He usually is up in the morning, 8-10 ish 
And kicks me until I fall asleep 9-11ish 
Wakes up for lunch each day too. 

He is "breathing" in and out, so he could survive outside the womb with lots of help. 

He weighs around 2.3 lbs and 14 inches long or so. 

We love him so! 

My pregnancy; 

Baby boy is sitting pretty high, so I have struggled quite a bit with heartburn, which turned into acid reflux. It was getting so bad it was waking me up and tums weren't cutting it. So I tried Pepcid and that didn't work either. So I now have a prescription. 

Tomatoes still never sound good. 
The smell of Apple juice still makes me sick

Weight gained; 11 lbs. 

Passed my gestational diabetes test!!!! (Was pretty nervous since I have been insulin resistant before. )

In the third trimester now!  

In the last week, I no longer fit into old pants, have to wear maternity only! 

Have had some truly memorable conversations about being pregnant. Some that are still making me laugh. 

The involuntary grunting when bending over has been a great source of entertainment for me and my family. 


  1. The heartburn is the WORST! I drank a big cup of milk every night before bed and that was the only way I could fall asleep. But the good news is it does go away immediately after birth!

    1. seriously... this made me cry! I can't wait until he is here and for that to go away!

  2. Ugh I feel you on the heartburn. Tums are useless! And the involuntary grunting cracks me up. Especially when Daisy started imitating me! Hahaha. Glad it's going well for you!!

    1. I think that Daisy imitating you would make it so great! haha I still wish we lived closer!
