Sunday, May 3, 2015

Journal~ For Real!

I was watching  Call of a Midwife on Netflix the other day and in the last episode, in the last scene, she said something that really struck me. 

Goofy I know, but she says, "for what is joy if it isn't recorded?" 

I have been thinking about that a lot lately. I am straight TERRIBLE, at keeping a diary or journal. This blog is as close as I get. There are so many great reasons to keep them. Honestly, I am not opposed to keeping them. I am simply bad at it. 

So I have been brainstorming ways to be better at it... especially with baby coming. I have been trying to leave my phone out of the equation more and more lately( and succeeding) , but let's be honest, they are always with us. So I re-downloaded the blog app to my phone. Hence, there will be a lot more posts from me these days. 

I want to be better at recording our lives. I love this life we have and want my kids to know the details.  I am hoping putting this here will hold me to it. 

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. good luck sister! my mother in law encouraged me to keep a notebook in our kitchen drawer to quickly write down funny things as they happened or were said...sadly, i thought i would do it more of that and haven't. now ty and I can NOT remember who said what or when...
