Sunday, May 3, 2015


Since we have been married, all whopping 3 years, our church times have been at 1pm or 9am and it's ALWAYS been backwards. Meaning that we go Elder's Quorum/Relief Society first, Sunday School second, and Sacrament last. Honestly, it is not our favorite. By the time we get to sacrament our focus is a little fuzzy.

Right now we are back at 1pm.

So we have this rhythm, we "sleep in" haha until 9. Then Audrey is allowed in and she loves it. She gets all cuddled up and snuggled in. I usually read a book for a bit with Audrey on my lap, then we get up and make breakfast. Sometimes we clean house, other times we go back to what we were doing before breakfast. This morning, I organized all the baby items. We get ready to go to church... and poof the day is over by the time we get home!

I do love that our Sunday's are just us! I am sure things will change when baby comes, but for right now, I love the snuggles with the cat and Kade. It's so simple and not much happens, but that is my favorite part.

This morning Kade let Audrey in early and she jumped me.. poor thing I was still asleep... and she scared me and I whacked her pretty good. She sill came back and cuddle up for the morning.

It is a strange thought to think our lives will be changing so drastically soon. I sure hope baby loves to cuddle and sleep in the late morning. I also hope Audrey doesn't mind giving up her spot for a new one!

Sunday's are usually my favorite days to cook,,, because I can put a lot of effort into it. But, with church so late it makes it hard. So I have been trying my hand at baking deserts again. So last week I made German Chocolate Sheet Cake ( Kade's favorite) .... it turned out pretty well. I could have cooked the frosting a bit longer, but hey there is always next time and it turned out super yummy! This week Kade made brownies. Woot, woot. No effort on my part!

We settle down with our desert and catch up on TV and then head to bed. Not super exciting but it's really the only routine thing we do during the week!

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