Thursday, September 3, 2015

Boise with Carson

Carson did great on the way to and from Boise! He sleep most of the way and woke to eat once both ways. 

We stayed with Ty Alysaa and kiddos at their new home! So pretty! And so sweet of them to have us stay! 

On Saturday Alyssa, the girls and I(of course Carson, too) went to lunch at the Boise Fry Co. I got gold Yukon curly fries which were super yummy! The we went shopping! Target the the village in Meridan. I loved the Village it reminded me of home and had all the stores I love plus a few new ones! 

Alysaa is due in October and her little baby is going to get such great helpful siblings! My favorite moments were hearing her kids shout out Carson's evey movement like a video game! "He moved his arm" "he opened his eyes" "he is awake!" And all the fun yelling when I put h in the bath tub! 

On Sunday, we went and spent time with Steve and Julie, he had had major back surgery and had only gotten home on Saturday. It's a long road to recovery and I only wished we lived closer so I could help! We also saw Connie and Jim, and Tim and Cindy! 

It was a fun trip!

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