Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Tales of an exclusive pumping mom. 

As much as I wish that Carson would nurse again.... He just won't. So I am stuck with two options. To pump or give him formula.

I am not comfortable giving him formula only on the basis that when he was in the hospital and we HAD to give it to him because his blood sugar was a 26!!! It made him super lethargic and sleepy.  So much so it made me really uncomfortable and uneasy. Not for any other reason but that. I see nothing wrong with giving your child formula if that is what you chose to do. 

Or I pump exclusively.... Which is equally as frustrating and complicated as nursing. It takes so much time effort and the right equipment. 

I pump, at 8am for an hour and pump 10-12 ounces. Then again at 12,4&8 where I pump 4-6 ounces each time. Then again anywhere from 10:30-11:30pm and again, 4-6 ounces. 

It takes around 30 mins everytime ( now, it used Used to take an 45, with a pump your body does not get the signals from the baby to speed up a let down) 

So on average I pump for 5 hours a day. It makes leaving the house really hard. Because I juggle that with Carsons schedule... 😫 i stick to the pumping schedule if we need to leave. I have to take multiple bags everywhere. I have rechargeable batteries that I can take if I know it won't be convenient to have access to a car or wall plug in. ... 

I am having to increase my milk again and since I miss signals from Carson's body I take Fenugreek.... Which makes me smell like an old maple scented car fragrance tree.... It's lovely😷 

So it's kinda of funny, but I try and plan to pump while driving because it's easier to pump on the way to somewhere. So I usually sit in the back with Carson and Kade drives. So far I have pumped in many random parking lots and places. I.e. Target parking lot in Utah this last weekend.  Doctors office parking lots, on the I-15 on the I -80 on the I5 and on the 405. Hahah lots of freeways.  

And every-time someone comes over unannounced , I am pumping and almost miss them at the door. I kid you not... Everytime! Hahaha seriously, just let me know you are coming people! 

Carson usually. Grabs onto the cord and yanks.... 

I have spilled milk..... And literally cried over it

The cat hates the soundly the sound and it's on so often Carson falls asleep to it. 

Anyways, it's definitely been hard But hey he is healthy and awake and coherent. So I don't know how long I will pump for but I have a ton stored up and eventually I will stop, but it sure hasn't been easy! I can't imagine what I would have done with out the pump! 

There are some benefits, everyone can feed him a bottle. I can give him a bottle and finish something else. He can eat at anytime. 

I usually despise it, but I am grateful it allows me to feed Carson.  


  1. I have so much respect for you!!!! I struggle even pumping just once a day so there's something in the freezer in case Chris needs it when I'm not home. I hate pumping. And it's so easy to spill those dang bottles!!!! I've cried too. So great job!!!! Feeding a baby is hard any way you choose to do it. I'm grateful nursing has worked out with both kids but sometimes I hate it too! Hunter still nurses about every 2hrs during the day, even though he's been on solids for 2mos now. And he refuses to let me use a nursing cover, and he gets too distracted to nurse in I have a hard time leaving my house too! Hahaha.

  2. Maybe you can try my pump next time I see you... Is that weird?! 10 min and I'm done. But totally hear you on the pumping pain. Nursed four babies without incident and my newest baby has thrown me a curve ball and he a terrible nurser. So I pump and supplement. Formula is a great option when you are ready. In the end, you do the best you can with what you have. Mommy guilt runs deep, but know that you are doing great!
